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External Data & Component Lifecycle - update tests πŸ”¬


We've made some significant changes to the app, it is expected to have some of the tests failing. Let's check which tests are failing at the moment and if we have any warnings.

Console should report the following issues:

  1. <App /> doesn't render city or country (test failing).
  2. Missing onForecastSelect prop in tests for <ForecastSummaries /> (console error).
  3. Type for icon prop in tests for <ForecastSummaries /> (console error).


Let's start with fixing the failing test, then we will look into these warnings.

1. App doesn't render city or country

Search for this message in the console:

  ● App β€Ί renders city and country

Do you know why it's failing now? Can this behaviour be expected considering the latest changes?

We started writing tests for our app with it("renders city and country", () => {}); at the very beginning. Now it's the time to review it and check if we need this test at all. LocationDetails.test.js contains a very similar test it("renders the correct city and location props", () => {}); that checks if the component renders the given values, which is exactly what we need. We can remove the duplicate from App.test.js. Instead, we might want to simply test snapshots to check which elements are displayed by the UI.

Can you write this one on your own? Here are some hints:

  • Before you run tests again make sure the test file for <App /> is located in src/tests/components directory!
  • Replace the old test with it("renders correctly", () => {}); Remember <App /> no longer receives props from index.js.
  • Check tests! All should be good and you should see the newly created snapshot.

2. Type for the icon prop in tests for <ForecastSummaries />

We have to account for the correct type of the icon prop in validProps just as we did in the previous step.

Change the icon values type in validProps in ForecastSummaries.test.js, for example icon: "800" should be now icon: 800.

3. Missing onForecastSelect prop in tests for <ForecastSummaries />

This one is simple, but requires some organisational changes in the existing validProps object:

  • assign the existing array to a forecasts property within the validProps object,
  • add onForecastSelect: () => {} as a second property in validProps,
  • update forecasts prop in render() method and add onForecastSelect prop.
describe("ForecastSummaries", () => {
  const validProps = {
    forecasts: [
        date: 1111111,
        description: "Stub description 1",
        icon: 800,
        temperature: {
          max: 22,
          min: 12,
        date: 2222222,
        description: "Stub description2",
        icon: 602,
        temperature: {
          max: 24,
          min: 13,
    onForecastSelect: () => {},
  it("renders correctly", () => {
    const { asFragment } = render(
  it("renders the correct number of ForecastSummary instances", () => {...});

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