Command Shift

Walkthrough: Stateful Components πŸ’‘


1. Import useState() into the <App /> component

useState() and other hooks can be imported from "react" package:

import React, { useState } from "react";

2. Add a useState() hook to your <App /> component with its return value destructured to selectedDate and setSelectedDate. Set the initial value of useState() to the date of the first forecast within forecasts array.

Assuming that <App /> currently looks like this:

const App = ({ forecasts, location }) => {
  return (
    <div className="weather-app">
      <LocationDetails city={} country={} />
      <ForecastSummaries forecasts={forecasts} />
      <ForecastDetails forecast={forecasts[0]} />

We first need to add a useState() hook before we can add our state. We have to set the selectedDate property in state to the date of the first forecast from forecasts:

const App = ({ forecasts, location }) => {
  const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useState(forecasts[0].date);
  return (
    <div className="weather-app">
      <LocationDetails city={} country={} />
      <ForecastSummaries forecasts={forecasts} />
      <ForecastDetails forecast={forecasts[0]} />

3. Create a selectedForecast variable and set it equal to the date within your forecasts that matches the selectedDate, and pass this selectedForecast variable into the <ForecastDetails /> component.

Then we want to pass a forecast into <ForecastDetails /> based on the selected date:

const App = ({ forecasts, location }) => {
  const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useState(forecasts[0].date);
  const selectedForecast = forecasts.find(forecast => === selectedDate);
  return (
    <div className="weather-app">
      <LocationDetails city={} country={} />
      <ForecastSummaries forecasts={forecasts} />
      <ForecastDetails forecast={selectedForecast} />

Now the <ForecastDetails /> component can render whichever forecast matches our selected date. If that date changes, then the forecast rendered in <ForecastDetails /> will also change, but you might see an error in the command line (where you run npm start) or in the browser:

Line 9:24:  'setSelectedDate' is assigned a value but never used  no-unused-vars

Don't worry about it now, we will handle that in the next step.