Command Shift

Forecast Summary Component


The requirements for the next feature of our app are:

Users should be able to see a summary of each day of the forecast, including the date, general description, an icon for the weather that day, and maximum temperature.

This can be broken into two problems:

  • We need to render the date, description, icon and max temperature for a day.
  • We need to repeat this for each day of the forecast.

In this step we are going to solve the first of these problems. Your challenge is to make a component which displays the forecast summary for an individual day.

Technical task breakdown

This task is similar to the work you did in LocationDetails.js, so if you get stuck, go back to there before you check the walkthrough for <ForecastSummary />.

1. Create relevant files

This is the <ForecastSummary /> component we came up with in the "Thinking in Components" step. This means you will need two new files: one for the component, and one for tests. Don't worry for now about "plugging in" the component in the application. It will be displayed as an item in a list later, which we will cover in the next steps.

Build dummy components (rendering just an empty <div> with the appropriate className) and initiate tests with a describe block.

2. Expected props

Back in "Thinking in Components" step, we said in the walkthrough that this component would take 4 props - date, temperature, description and icon. Your challenge is to access these 4 pieces of information.

🤔 Check with the design which value for the temperature you should use - min or max?

🤔 Check how to display units for temperature yourself 💪.

3. Add markup for each forecast summary detail

As guidance, each prop should be rendered inside of a <div>. Add classNames to these <div/>s to help you select the elements in your tests.

💡 Finding the right names for elements is one of the hardest things in development, which is why developers started creating naming conventions. BEM (Block-Element-Modifier) is one of the most popular ones for class names. Check the linked documentation and try to use it 😉.

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