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Icons and Dates - troubleshooting tests πŸ”¬


If you have a failing test related to your icons the problem is likely down to an invalid prop in your test file.

In ForecastSummary.test.js:

const validProps = {
  date: 1111111,
  description: "Stub description",
  icon: "800",
  temperature: {
    min: 12,
    max: 22,

In ForecastSummaries.test.js use ids "800" and "602". Feel free to use different icon ids, just check the icon docs first.

Now just update the snapshots in the console!


To fix a failing tests related to the dates you need to change the expected value for assertion in ForecastSummary.test.js from:



    expect(getByText("Thu Jan 01 1970")).toHaveClass("forecast-summary__date");

The reason being the date value in validProps is still correct, but since we altering it, we expect a human-readable date in the desired format to be returned.

Remember to update snapshots again!

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