Command Shift

Stateful Components

Overview of the problem

At the moment our <App /> is stateless, so to begin, convert it to a stateful component by importing useState() into the component.


The first requirement in the "Detailed Forecast" step was:

UI should display forecast for one day in more detail.

We used the first element in forecasts array to display any value. Now it's the time to display the appropriate one.

Technical task breakdown

  1. Import useState() into the <App /> component.
  2. Add a useState() hook to your <App /> component with its return value destructured to selectedDate and setSelectedDate. Set the initial value of useState() to the date of the first forecast within forecasts array.
  3. Create a selectedForecast variable and set its value to the date within your forecasts that matches the selectedDate (think of a function that can search through an array and return the matching value) and pass the selectedForecast variable into the <ForecastDetails /> component. Don't worry if all you see is an error, we will tackle it in the next step.

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