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Update State & Event Handlers - update tests πŸ”¬

Have you checked what the console returns for tests? The first error should say:

Warning: Failed prop type: The prop `onSelect` is marked as required in `ForecastSummary`, but its value is `undefined`.
at ForecastSummary (/your/path/to/weather-app/src/components/ForecastSummary.js:29:7)

We need to add onSelect prop to validProps in ForecastSummary.test.js file. Please note we don't need to pass the actual function into it, just an empty one:

describe("ForecastSummary", () => {
  const validProps = {
    date: 1111111,
    description: "Stub description",
    icon: "800",
    temperature: {
      min: 12,
      max: 22,
    onSelect: () => {},
  it("renders correctly", () => {
    const { asFragment } = render(
  // other tests...

The only thing failing now should be snapshot testing. Take a look at the messages in the terminal to fix them.

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