Command Shift

Isolating with dummies - Walkthrough


  • Look for any places in the test suite where objects are passed into methods where those methods don't use the object.
  • Replace them with dummies.
  • Run your tests again to ensure they still pass (might be better to run tests after every change).

Identifying a place in the test suite where a dummy could be used

There are three tests where we could utilise dummies:

  can add a ship
  can remove a ship

  can have ports

Have a look at these tests and see if you can see why and where test dummies could be incorporated.

Replace them with dummies.

We'll do one together - can add a ship:


const ship = {};


const ship = jest.fn();

You should be able to add dummies to the other two tests without the walkthrough.

Run your tests again to ensure they still pass

(They should).

Add, commit with a meaningful message, and push to GitHub.

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