Set Sail - Walkthrough
- Discuss with your classmates how the domain model for Ship might be added to with the above user story.
- Create a new test spec for the user story.
- Write the code that makes this test pass.
- Add, commit with a meaningful message, and push to GitHub.
Domain Model
From the user story:
The domain model for Ship
now might look like this:
Object | Methods | Properties |
Ship | setSail | startingPort |
A setSail
method has been assumed from the doing words set sail
in the user story.
it can set sail
Now we need to write the test for our new setSail
method. In order to be able to test the method works, the state of our Ship object is going to have to change. The state in question is the startingPort
Lets see how a test might look:
Here we have an example of a Four-Phase Test:
- setup
const ship = new Ship('Dover');
- exercise
- verify
- teardown - Jest handles teardown for us automatically
We've used a new Jest matcher here: toBeFalsy. This does exactly what it says on the tin - expects the return value to be falsy.
Run your test. It should fail with :red_circle: TypeError: ship.setSail is not a function
Write the code that makes the test pass
:exclamation: You should be able to do this without the walkthrough. Once you've passed the test, then proceed.
Add, commit with a meaningful message, and push to GitHub
Look at the last walkthrough for an example of a meaningful commit message.