Command Shift

Make it DRY ;TLDR

During the setup phase of our tests (see Four Phase Test) we typically follow the same setup actions: create a port, create an itinerary and create a ship. This isn't very DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself!). Fortunately, Jest has a beforeEach method that allows us to group similar set up actions in describe blocks.


Use Jest's beforeEach method to DRY up the test suite for Ship.

To complete this challenge, you will need to:

  • Identify the test specs in Ship.test.js that share the same setup actions.
  • Create a new describe nested inside of the current describe Ship callback function, and move those test specs inside of it.
  • In your nested describe's callback function cut the set up actions from the test specs and add them to a beforeEach.
  • Run your tests and ensure they still pass.
  • Do the same DRYing up inside your Port test suite.
  • Add, commit with a meaningful message, and push to GitHub.

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