Command Shift

Make it DRY - Walkthrough


  • Identify the test specs in Ship.test.js that share the same setup actions.
  • Create a new describe nested inside of the current describe Ship callback function, and move those test specs inside of it.
  • In your nested describe's callback function cut the set up actions from the test specs and add them to a beforeEach.
  • Run your tests and ensure they still pass.
  • Do the same DRYing up inside your Port test suite.
  • Add, commit with a meaningful message, and push to GitHub.

Identify the test specs in Ship.test.js that share the same setup actions

First let's remind ourselves - using on of the specs - which part of the test is the setup:

it('has a starting port', () => {
  const dover = new Port('Dover');
  const itinerary = new Itinerary([dover]);
  const ship = new Ship(itinerary);

The setup here would be:

const dover = new Port('Dover');
const itinerary = new Itinerary([dover]);
const ship = new Ship(itinerary);

The remainder of this test is the verify phase. Note there isn't always an exercise phase, as we don't always need to call a method - in this circumstance, our object is readied for the test purely through instantiation. Whereas in this test we have an exercise phase of ship.setSail:

it('can set sail', () => {
  const dover = new Port('Dover');
  const calais = new Port('Calais');
  const itinerary = new Itinerary([dover, calais]);
  const ship = new Ship(itinerary);

Looking at all the tests, 4 of them share the same (or very similar) setup actions:

  can be instantiated
  has a starting port
  can set sail
  gets added to port on instantiation
const dover = new Port('Dover');
const calais = new Port('Calais');
const itinerary = new Itinerary([dover, calais]);
const ship = new Ship(itinerary);

This isn't very DRY, so lets do something about it.

Create a new describe nested inside of the current describe Ship callback function, and move those test specs inside of it.

By now you should have read through Setup and Teardown on the Jest docs, so you should now know that beforeEach blocks have scope inside of a describe block. Therefore - in order to stop our setup actions for the above actions affecting other tests - we need to create a new describe block inside of our current describe block:

describe('Ship', () => {
  describe('with ports and an itinerary', () => {

Then move the test specs identified above into the new describe block:

describe('with ports and an itinerary', () => {
  it('can be instantiated', () => {
    const port = new Port('Dover');
    const itinerary = new Itinerary([port]);
    const ship = new Ship(itinerary);
  it('has a starting port', () => {
    const dover = new Port('Dover');
    const itinerary = new Itinerary([dover]);
    const ship = new Ship(itinerary);
  it('can set sail', () => {
    const dover = new Port('Dover');
    const calais = new Port('Calais');
    const itinerary = new Itinerary([dover, calais]);
    const ship = new Ship(itinerary);
  it('gets added to port on instantiation', () => {
    const dover = new Port('Dover');
    const itinerary = new Itinerary([dover]);
    const ship = new Ship(itinerary);

:exclamation: Helpful hint - if you select one or many lines of code in VS Code, and hold down Alt and one of the up/down keys, you can move multiple lines up and down. When you have some spare time, check out the Keyboard Reference Sheets and learn to master your code editor!

In your nested describe's callback function cut the set up actions from the test specs and add them to a beforeEach.

We previously identified the duplicate setup actions as being:

const dover = new Port('Dover');
const calais = new Port('Calais');
const itinerary = new Itinerary([dover, calais]);
const ship = new Ship(itinerary);

Let's create a beforeEach and move these actions out of the tests:

describe('with ports and an itinerary', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
    const dover = new Port('Dover');
    const calais = new Port('Calais');
    const itinerary = new Itinerary([dover, calais]);
    const ship = new Ship(itinerary);

You'll notice we have a lot of linter errors here on our variables. If we hover over the first one we get the error:

[eslint] 'ship' is assigned a value but never used. (no-unused-vars)

And if we hover over another we get:

[eslint] 'ship' is not defined. (no-undef)

Can you guess why? If you guessed because of scope then you'd be correct. let and const are block scoped, meaning we can go outside of a block to look for a variable, but JavaScript can't go outside a block and into another block. So inside beforeEach we declare our ship variable. It only has scope in that block, hence we get the error the variable isn't being used. Then inside a test we get the error that the variable isn't defined because JavaScript goes up a level but can't then go into beforeEach. The solution is to use let outside of the beforeEach and then to assign to it inside:

describe('with ports and an itinerary', () => {
  let ship;
  let dover;
  let calais;
  let itinerary;
  beforeEach(() => {
    dover = new Port('Dover');
    calais = new Port('Calais');
    itinerary = new Itinerary([dover, calais]);
    ship = new Ship(itinerary);

Run your tests and ensure they still pass.

(They should).

Do the same DRYing up inside your Port test suite.

:exclamation: You should be able to do this without the walkthrough.

Add, commit with a meaningful message, and push to GitHub.