Command Shift

The last thing we need to do is update our It currently contains a lot of information about create-react-app, let’s remove that and add the following things:

  • The title of the technical test
  • A short description of what you were asked to do for the technical test
  • 2 x screenshots of how our app looks on desktop and mobile
  • What the app was built with (React)
  • Testing utilities used (Jest, React Testing Library)
  • Packages used (Axios etc)
  • Instructions on how to run the app once the user has cloned the repo
  • Things you would add to the app if you had more time
  • The author's name (you)

If you wish to see an example of a please ask one of your tutors to share one with you for inspiration.

It’s particularly important to add some things to “What I would do if I had more time” part of the README. If you don’t have time to finish you can use this section to explain to your employer that you’re aware of certain things that need to be done for it to be "complete". If you do finish, list things you would do to make the app better if you had more time, for example: "make app more responsive for different types of mobile" or "add css animation to images when they load to make it more appealing visually".

Make sure you format this in a visually pleasing way as this will be the first thing your employer sees when they get your repo.

And with that, congratulations! You’ve completed the technical test as requested by the brief! Well done you!

There still are some things we can do for extra credit which are optional, if you have the time to do these and wish to, please go ahead.

On this page

No Headings