Command Shift

Multiple Component Mapping - Walkthrough

Let’s take another look at our conditional render:

  if (!results.length) {
    return <p>No results</p>;
  } else {
    return (
        <img src="a random single image" />

Here we’re only rendering one image, but what if state is an array and we need multiple components?

  if (!results.length) {
    return <p>No results</p>;
  } else {
    return (
        { => (
          <img className="card-image" src={image} alt="spaceImage" />

Here we’re saying if results array (which is a state searchResults in <App /> and it's passed to <SearchResults /> as a prop) has a length, then take that prop and map over it. Take each element in within our results (if you check getImages() you'll see we've taken only url of images) and place it inside of the img where the src attribute is.

You should now have a working app! Well done!

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