Command Shift

Search Logic

Okay so we've got our Search component looking decent, now let's get it working!

We're going to need to create an event handler method for our input if we want to collect the user's query and use that to search for results.

Start by adding a useState hook for a value within our Search component.

Once we've done that we can add the event handler to our input.

On input add the following onChange={(e) => setValue(} this will save the users search query every time there is a change within the input.

Great, now we're collecting data and storing it in state.

Now we should probably look at how a user might submit their search query, so let's add a button and create a form.

In Search.js create a form tag and wrap it around in input, once you've done that, add a button tag underneath your input.

Give the button a className, type of submit, and a search term.

Now we need to style our form and button as well as making some amendments to our previous styling.

First, let's remove the margin: auto from our input. For the form, we want the button and the input to sit next to each other in the middle of the page so style the form with display: flex and flex-direction: row. Once you've done that, style your button to look a lot better than it currently does.

For now, if we hit submit on our button it will refresh the page. This isn't what we want it to do but we'll revisit this soon and write a function that validates our input.

Once you've done this you may need to update your snapshot tests as they will fail otherwise. Now we're ready to move on!

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