Command Shift

Iterating over the requirements, e.g. having a start

If we look at our list of requirements after digesting our user stories we know that we want the following to happen:

	- name:  String
	- email:  String
  * Check if email address is valid
	- password: String
  * Check if password is at least 8 characters long

At the moment we're not doing any of the checks (validating) on email or password, but more glaring, one field is missing - password.

  1. Go ahead and add the field password to the Reader model
  2. Update the tests to reflect this change
  3. Don't worry about validation at this stage (ie, checking if the data exists, if it has the correct format etc)
  4. Create a Book model, controller and route that matches our requirements:
	- title: String
  * Check if title exists
	-  author: String
  * Check if author exists
	- genre: String
	- ISBN: String
  1. Once again do not worry at this stage about the checks on the individual fields of our Model.
  2. Use Reader as an example of how to create Book. Below is a flow that might come handy:
    • Create a model Book file in /src/models
    • Plug that model to the main sequelize function in /src/models/index.js
    • Create a bookController in /src/controllers
    • Create a bookRouter in /src/routes
    • Add your route to app in /src/app.js
    • Create tests for your Book functionality in /tests

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