Command Shift

From User Stories to Requirements

We can use our user stories to come up with a list of requirements:

User Stories 1-4

	- name: String
	- email: String
  * Check if email address is valid
	- password: String
  * Check if password is at least 8 characters long

User Stories 5-8

	- title: String
  * Check if title exists
	- author: String
  * Check if author exists
	- genre: String
	- ISBN: String

From all user stories

 * Do not return password from API
 * Want to be able to have list of all the books
 * Want to be able to search by each of the fields above
  • These initial requirements are driven by user stories, however, can you think of any others?

  • As a database admin can you think of any other conditions you would like to have in order to keep data consistent?

    • 🤔 For instance, would it make sense to allow a Reader to create an account without checking if name, email or password exist?

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