Command Shift

Backend Basics

This is a 1 week track where you will create a Web API using Express that exposes the JavaScript functions you solved in the first weeks of the course - JavaScript Basics.

Learning objectives

To be able to answer "yes" to the following questions:

  • Are you able to explain what a Web API is and why we need them?
  • Can you use create a web server using Express?
  • Can you create routes in an Express application to direct requests to a controller function?
  • Do you understand what is meant by the term middleware?
  • Can you retrieve route params, query params and body params from a HTTP request in an Express?
  • Can you send a HTTP response with a custom status code and body using Express?
  • Can you explain the difference between an end-to-end (E2E) test and a unit test?


  • Web Servers and Web API's
  • HTTP Requests and Responses
  • Routing
  • Controller functions
  • Middleware


You will use Express to create an API which will take some of functionality of the JavaScript Basics code you implemented at the start of the course, and make it accessible to other applications through HTTP.

  • Re-visit your GitHub and find your javascript-basics repository. Didn't get chance to complete it? Not to worry! Ask one of your peers if you can use theirs :heart:

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