Command Shift

Naming Pets - ;TLDR

So far, our Pet constructor just gives us an empty object. It's a start, but it's only halfway to our first feature - a pet with a name.

In this challenge, we are going to adapt the Pet function so that our pets can have names.

How would we want this to look? So far we can create a new instance of Pet by typing const pet = new Pet('Fido'); in the Node REPL.

How would you adapt that code to be able to give the pet a name? What would you expect the outcome of that action to be?

Try the following in the Node REPL:

const pet = new Pet('Fido');;

What value do you get back?

Learning objectives

  • setting properties of objects using constructors

  • this

To complete this challenge, you will need to:

  • discuss this outcome with your cohort mates:

    • what would you want the outcome to be?

    • how does this differ from what you are seeing?

    • can you suggest a way of solving the problem?

  • translate this error into a new unit test - what do you expect to happen when you call new Pet('fido');?

  • update your Pet constructor function to make the test pass

Once you are done, commit your work, and push to GitHub

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