Command Shift

Pet Constructor - ;TLDR

In JavaScript, we can use constructor functions to create objects of the same type. These objects can be used to model things in the real world.

To create a new instance of an object, we use the new keyword.

The first feature of our virtual pet is that it should have a name.

In this challenge, we are going to create a Pet constructor function that will allow us to create our new pet.

Learning objectives

  • feature testing in the Node REPL

  • writing unit tests to describe expected behaviour of a function

  • debugging using a stack trace

  • exporting things from files using module.exports

  • requiring exported values using require

  • writing a constructor function

To complete this challenge, you will need to:

  • open the Node REPL

  • create a new variable pet equal to new Pet('Fido');

  • discuss the resulting error with your cohort mates

    • what is the type of error?

    • research what this error type means.

    • can you suggest a way of solving the problem?

  • translate this error into a unit test - what do you expect to happen when you call new Pet('Fido')?

  • create a Pet constructor function and export it from the file

  • require the Pet function into your unit test and make the test pass

Once you are done, commit your work, and push to GitHub:

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