Command Shift


In this component, you'll take advantage of React's useEffect() hook and Axios to bring in property listings from the API and render <PropertyCard /> components for each one.


To complete this challenge, you will need to:

  • Your <Properties /> component will be stateful.
  • Set initial state of properties to an empty array.
  • Add a useEffect() hook method to the component.
  • Inside the useEffect() hook, make an Axios GET request to the API endpoint responsible for retrieving PropertyListings.
  • When the Axios Promise resolves, destructure the data object from the response object and set your properties state to the data object.
  • Use a hook to initialise state for alert and set it to {message: ""}
  • If the Axios Promise rejects, set the message in alert state to a useful error message.
  • Inside the render() method, map over the properties state, and pass each each key/value pair from each property listing to the <PropertyCard /> component as props (you should now be able to see any properties you've added).
  • Render an <Alert /> with the message you stored in state (you can test this by killing your API process).
  • Style your component (you might need to wrap each <PropertyCard /> component in div tags) so that <PropertyCards /> display in a grid.

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