Command Shift



We're going to use JavaScript to change the background of our viewport every second so our water moves.

To do this we are going to create a Controller constructor/prototype, which is responsible for interacting with and updating the DOM based on the state of our application.



Use a combination of setInterval with a duration of 1000 (1000 milliseconds = 1 second) and document.querySelector to manipulate the viewport background.

You may need the walkthrough for this step as there are many concepts to cover.

To complete this challenge, you will need to:

  • Create a new constructor function called Controller in src/controller.js.
  • Create a new prototype method for Controller called initialiseSea, and call it from within the constructor.
  • Import the controller.js file into your html using a script tag at the end of the body.
  • Add another script tag underneathm but this time use inline JavaScript to create a new instance of Controller.
  • Inside your initialiseSea method, use setInterval to run a callback function every 1000 milliseconds. Inside the callback function use document.querySelector to find the #viewport element and change the background image so it alternates between water0.png and water1.png. You'll probably want to keep some sort of "counter" variable outside of your setInterval to determine which background image to use.

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