Command Shift

Practical: Git-it


Now is the time to have a go with what you've learnt!

For the practical bit of this chapter, we'll use Git-it, which is an open-source application that will guide you through all of the git concepts we've discussed.

The goal is for you to work your way through each step of the interactive walkthrough, trying out each example.


Git-it can be downloaded from its Releases page on GitHub, under Assets. Download the file corresponding to your operating system.



Right (control) click the Git-it icon, select Open and then Open again. You can drag the icon into your Applications directory if you want, but it's not required. If needed, more detailed installation instructions can be found in this issue.


Double-click the executable. If the app isn't running try running the following command and try to open again:

sudo apt-get install libgconf-2-4

If you have problems installing Git-it, or are unable to verify your solutions then check with your peers and/or tutors in your cohort’s Slack channel.

It’s recommended that you go over all of the steps more than once and that you ask for help with anything you are unsure about, as this will undoubtedly help in completing the challenge to follow.


Please Note! Due to some github configuration, you will not be able to verify each step at this time. We are working on getting this fixed but in the mean time just move onto the next step if you cannot verify.

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