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You’ve reached the final step!

ESLint is a linter.

Linters go through your code and look for mistakes, sort of like a spelling and grammar checker for code. They can highlight errors, provide advice and include autocorrect tools. They are especially powerful when combined with a style guide - a preset (set of rules) that dictates how code should be written (spacing, use of semicolons etc).

Throughout the course, we'll be using ESLint with the Standard style guide (Keep this link for reference).

To set up ESLint:

  1. In your terminal, install the eslint package: npm install -g eslint.

  2. Open VS Code.

  3. Click on the extensions icon in the right-side toolbar:

    VS Code Extensions Icon

  4. In the search box, type ESLint and click Install (in green) on the top result:

    VS Code Extensions Search

  5. Once installed, close VS Code and open it back up again. Now you are done!

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